
I guess we aren’t supposed to ask why, when we are handed a situation in our lives. It is so hard not to, but I think it’s ok to wonder. In 2011, after tearing my acl in my right knee, I was fired after 15 years of employment with my company.  Thereafter had 3 additional surgeries on that knee and I am finally back  almost 100%. Just when all seems well and getting back to normal I rupture a tendon in my left foot that needs surgery or will get progressively worse over time. In addition to all of this, I am being told by my gynecologist that a hysterectomy is in my near future due to lupus. Now this is hard to swallow, not that I want children, but at 40 years young, I thought my equipment would stay in place for a bit longer.  I have always heard that you are never given more than you can handle in this life. I wonder, as months go by, and more things are added to my medical plate, I wonder, but I don’t ask why, because that response is always, why not!

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